MC3216 加速计 3x3 High Resolution 10-pin Gen 3 MC3236 加速计 3x3 Low Resolution 10-pin Gen 3 MC3256 加速计 3x3 High Resolution 16-pin Gen 3 MC3410 加速计 2/4/8g 8-Bit Output 3-Axis Accelerometer
MC3413 加速计 2x2 High Resolution Gen 3 MC3430 加速计 1.5g 8-Bit Output 3-Axis Accelerometer MC3433 加速计 2x2 Low Resolution Gen 3 MC6450 加速计 8g, 14-Bit Output 6-Axis eCompass mCube is enabling a new era called 'The Internet of Moving Things' where everyday objects and devices - from smartphones and tablets to smart clothing and wearables - can measure, monitor, and analyze motion and context in space, generating massive amounts of data and insight. As the provider of the Internet of Moving Things, mCube aspires to put a MEMS motion sensor on anything that moves, making it easy to connect everyday things and transform the way consumers live and businesses operate.'